Hack To Kick Players Out Of Game Roblox

Nov 27th, 2014

Harus Di Baca!Dukung Saya: SOCIAL MEDIA ♛Fa.

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  1. local admin = 'itsJaden2' --Who is the one who has the admin.
  2. local Players = Game:GetService('Players') Definding service using a varaiable.
  3. Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player)--Event and function when a player has joined.
  4. if Player.Name Admin then --Checking if the player is the admin.
  5. Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message)-- Event
  6. if Message ~= nil then --Checking if the message is not nil with the if statement. (The Message is in nil when teamchat is used.
  7. if string.lower(string.sub(Message,1, 4) 'kick' then --Checking if the kick command is used string.sub is used to get serval characters of the string, this cause the first four. string.lower is used to convert the string to a lowercase string. Saying KICK or Kick instead of kick would work as well.
  8. local Target = Players:FindFirstChild(string.sub(Message,6)) -- Defending the target using a varbile. stirng.sub is the time used to get all of the characters behind 'kick '.
  9. if Target ~= nil then Checking if the target is found using a if statement.
  10. Target:Kick() --Removing the target from the game using the: Kick() method on the player object.
  11. end -- Closing the statement if event at line twevle
  12. end) --Closing the statement if event at line nine.
  13. end) --Closing the statement if event at line eight.
  14. end) -- Closing the if statement at line six.
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Jul 19th, 2019
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  1. ---To use: Say 'kick/playername'
  2. function KickPlayer(name, source)
  3. p = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(name) --find the person who you said to kick
  4. if p nil then return end --If the player is not there, then don't do anything
  5. if name source then return end --sorry, you can't kick yourself. (too bad!)
  6. local KickedPlayer = game.Players:findFirstChild(name) --finds the player to kick
  7. m.Parent = KickedPlayer
  8. m.Text = 'You have been kicked' --gives a message saying you were kicked
  9. m.Parent = nil --removes the message
  10. p.Parent = nil --huh?
  11. function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker)
  12. --convert to all lowercase (you don't need any capitals)
  13. local source = string.lower(speaker.Name)
  14. if string.match(msg, 'kick/') then --someone has said 'kick/playername'
  15. for i=1, #playerz do
  16. if string.match(msg, string.lower(playerz[i].Name)) then
  17. end
  18. end
  19. newPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg, recipient) onChatted(msg, recipient, newPlayer) end)
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