Fnaf World Custom Loading Screens

Needed Tools

  1. Fnaf World Custom Loading Screens Youtube
  2. Fnaf World Custom Loading Screens Mods

This tutorial is about creating a custom loading screen. You will need Warcaft III The Frozen Throne to do this.

I updated the Loading Screens image, I had updated it in-game already a while ago but forgot to update the image too. Also, I would like to reassure everyone who are growing tired of waiting, or who have already lost their patience. I work on this game daily, and I. FNAF World - All EthGoesBOOM Loading Screens Edit Blackrabbit appears in this video as a loading screen and tells Freddy to say his name. He actually does, as it says; RWQFSFASXC. The Blackrabbit does say that how he actually said it right.

Before we make our screen, you will need the Warcraft III Image Extractor II. This program allows you to convert files from .TGA format to .BLP format. You can download the image tool from below. You also need to download the custom loading screen model.

You will need a decent photo-editing program to create your screen. The most important requirement is that the program can open TGA files. I am using ULEAD Photo Impact. You will also need your loading screen image. Your loading screen should be either 1024x768, or 800x600. I have selected the image below that I downloaded from an artwork site.

  • Warcraft III Image Extractor II from Warcraft III Campaigns
  • ULEAD Photo Impact from ULEAD Website
  • Custom loading screen file called LoadingScreen.mdx
  • An image that is either 1024x768 or 800x600 in size

I have selected an 800x600 image.

Resizing your Image

Now we need to resize our image, and make it 512x512 square. This is going to squish the image, and it will look a little strange. The game is going to stretch your image to the size of the screen, so it will look okay when the game loads. We are going to make the image square because Textures are stored as quadratic surfaces with dimensions that are powers of 2 in video memory, so this is the most efficient size. The image is not going to lose much quality either.

Shrink the image, unproportionately, to 512x512.

Converting your Image

When we are done editing the screen, but before we import the skin into your map, we need to convert it to a BLP format. Open the Warcraft III Image Extractor, and open your new image. Then click SAVE, and save your new skin as a .BLP file. The image tool will prompt you for the image quality. Reducing the quality may save some file space in your map, but you can leave it at 100 percent. I usually use 70-75 without losing too much detail. See the difference in file size below.

  • A 512 image saved at 100% is 591 kb.
  • A 512 image saved at 75% is 148 kb.

Convert your image to BLP format.

Importing your Files

Inside World Editor, load the Import Manager under the Module menu. Click on File, Import and open the BLP file that you just saved. Now you need to change the custom path. Double click the item inside the import manager, and check the box that says Use Custom Path. Change the path to 'FullScreen.blp' with nothing before it and proper case.

Now import the loading screen file. This model file is a new loading screen which is only one texture. Other loading screens have four corners, and require four images. This screen makes it much easier to use. Once you import it, double click it and check Use Custom Path. Change the model files path to just 'LoadingScreen.mdx' with nothing before it either.

Importing your files into World Editor.

Lastly, inside the World Editor, click on Scenario, Map Loading Screen. Check the button that says Use Imported File, and select LoadingScreen.mdx. You can still use custom loading screen text on your map as well. You're done! This is what mine looks like when I test my map.

My finished loading screen.

Setup is easy and quick

Editing and installing our loading screens is as easy as it gets, with our user-friendly dashboard.

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Fnaf World Custom Loading Screens Youtube

All of our loading screens run on our own high-end servers, so you don't need to rent your own web server just for it.

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Fnaf world custom loading screens games


gmod-lsm gives you plenty of options to customize your loading screen. Here are a few examples.

Demo 2 - Flame
Demo 4 - Bubble

Fnaf World Custom Loading Screens Mods

Optional Upgrade

FnafFnaf World Custom Loading Screens

If you want to give your loading screen the extra touch.

  • 2 Loading Screens
  • Full Customizability
  • Rules, Staff and Music support
  • No Watermark
  • Dark Mode
  • Exclusive Layouts
  • 2 Loading Screens
  • Full Customizability
  • Rules, Staff and Music support
  • No Watermark
  • Dark Mode
  • Exclusive Layouts
Individual Loading Screens created

New unique loading screen experiences get crafted every day, using this very service.

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Thousands of times a day people see one of our unique loading screens when joining a Garry's Mod Server.

'Absolutely great, low price for pro, very professional and easy to use'


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