Roblox Free Commands

Have you ever wondered what Roblox commands are for? In this article we wanted to collect all the commands so you can use them when you need them. Continue reading to learn how the commands work in Roblox.

Roblox Free Commands

What are the commands and what are they for?

Local zee=script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild ('zarm') if zee=nil then. Local zlarm=zee:clone local zrarm=zee:clone if zlarm=nil then. Local (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0) zlarm.CFrame=h.Parent.Torso.CFrame. ( (-1.5,0.5,-0.5)). rot. Best place to find all the updated Roblox Hacks/Exploits & Cheats that are working and virus free! ROBLOX HACKS & EXPLOITS. The Best And Most Trusted Free Roblox Hacks/Exploits Downloads All The Latest Roblox Hacks/Exploits Here. With injection and command/script execution You'll be satisfied with us, as our service is the best.

To be able to perform an action is as easy as typing in the chat “/e” + “the word“. Not clear? Let’s see some examples.

These are the free codes you can use:

  • /e laugh
  • /e dance
  • /e dance2
  • /e dance3
  • /e wave
  • /e point
  • /e cheer
  • /e dance
  • /e sleep
  • /e wave
  • /e thumbsup
  • /e beg
  • /e blowkiss
  • /e bow
  • /e cell
  • /e watch
  • /e excited
  • /e cheer
  • /e chestpuff
  • /e choke
  • /e clap
  • /e terminal
  • /e confused
  • /e flirt
  • /e no
  • /e drink
  • /e head
  • /e eat
  • /e strong
  • /e fistpound
  • /e flex
  • /e pose
  • /e laugh
  • /e evillaugh
  • /e observe
  • /e pickup
  • /e picture
  • /e point
  • /e read
  • /e rude
  • /e salute
  • /e search
  • /e smokebomb
  • /e bringit
  • /e walkie
  • /e wary
  • /e cry
  • /e shake
  • /e rest

As you can see, depending on the word you put after /e, this will be the action your character will perform.

Roblox Free Commands

You can also get some emotes for free at the shop. You can add it to your list of commands and they are very simple.

I started with MMORPGs and I still play MMORPG, WOW and Tibia :). Casual player in mobile games and sometimes I play Shooters like Valorant or CSGO.

Roblox free admin commands hack
Mar 19th, 2020
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  1. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()----------- Intro GUI
  2. local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer ------------- START OF SCRIPT
  3. Player.Chatted:connect(function(cht)----------- CMD SMART
  4. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  5. elseif cht:match(':toolgui')then-------------------- TOOL GUI PART / END OF CMD
  6. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  7. elseif cht:match(':savetool')then
  8. for _,v inpairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren())do
  9. v.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  10. end
  11. for _,v inpairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetChildren())do
  12. v.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  13. end
  14. elseif cht:match(':antiafk')then--------------------------------- END OF TOOL GUI PART
  15. game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function()
  16. VirtualUser:ClickButton2(
  17. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification',{
  18. Text ='Anti AFK Script';
  19. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Mesh:destroy()
  20. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Mesh:destroy()
  21. limb:BreakJoints()
  22. local velocity ='RocketPropulsion', limb)
  23. velocity.MaxSpeed =30
  24. velocity.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
  25. velocity.Target = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  26. velocity:fire()
  27. end
  28. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['Left Arm'],,-2,-1))
  29. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['Right Arm'],,-2,-1))
  30. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['Left Leg'],,-2,1))
  31. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['Right Leg'],,-2,1))
  32. elseif cht:match(':creeper15')then
  33. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Mesh:destroy()
  34. limb:BreakJoints()
  35. local velocity ='RocketPropulsion', limb)
  36. velocity.MaxSpeed =30
  37. velocity.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
  38. velocity.Target = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso
  39. velocity:fire()
  40. end
  41. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['LeftUpperArm'],,-2,-1))
  42. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['RightUpperArm'],,-2,-1))
  43. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['LeftUpperLeg'],,-2,1))
  44. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['RightUpperLeg'],,-2,1))
  45. elseif cht:match(':shattervest')then
  46. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  47. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  48. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))();
  49. local Plr = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
  50. ifnot game:GetService('UserInputService'):IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl)thenreturnend
  51. Mouse.Target:Destroy()
  52. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  53. local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
  54. function Action(Object, Function)if Object ~=nilthen Function(Object);endend
  55. UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(UserInput)
  56. if UserInput.UserInputType Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and UserInput.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.Space then
  57. if self:GetState() Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or self:GetState() Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
  58. Action(self.Parent.HumanoidRootPart,function(self)
  59. end)
  60. end)
  61. end)
  62. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))();
  63. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  64. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  65. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  66. elseif cht:match(':openui')then-- secret script if you open the pastebin :))
  67. end
  68. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF SCRIPT ------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  70. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification',{
  71. Text ='Ultimate Admin Script';
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